Thursday, September 3, 2009

Getting Started

Getting started writing on a daily basis can be a drag when in reality it can be a great stress reliever and creative outlet. Even though I have missed writing for most of the last 3 weeks I came up with some really great excuses: fly fishing in Colorado, cleaning house, visiting my husband's dying father in the hospital, staying with his widow, attending his funeral and of course returning home to "normalcy" which means more house cleaning, mowing, laundry, cooking, shopping...there is always a great excuse not to write or paint or draw or sing.
Three months ago I quit my mediocre job which paid okay. Partly I quit because I was really unhappy doing what I was doing-reception (I have a great smile but beyond that I have a hard time entertaining strangers for longer than about 30 seconds) but mostly I have wanted to "be a writer" for as long as I can remember (about 40 years). I have a story that has been floating around in my head for probably about 10 years so early this summer I wrote out a brief outline and a couple of pages then attended a children's literacy workshop and thought about writing a different story. I did some research on the idea for the second story but am still floundering. Next week I am starting a writing class at the local university so I am hoping that helps me pull things together!
So far this summer has been one excuse after another but this week I have managed to write everyday! It has not always been on either of the projects that I have in the works but I am still writing! I would love to be an encouragement to you to try to write or crochet or do stand up comedy if that is what your dream is. Don't be afraid of failure. For so many years of my life I didn't try new things because I wanted to be perfect. Hello? Who is perfect at anything that they first start out doing? That's why we practice! So at the encouragement of my son I am writing and blogging everyday. Hope to see you there! No excuses.